All in Things

The First Law of Simplicity is...Reduce

“The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction"- John Maeda

Years before thinking about simplifying my life, I was lucky to listen to a wonderful speech on design by John Madea -in 2010 at an eBay Leadership conference (*during my time leading StubHub International, a subsidiary of eBay). I started to follow John Maeda from that time and read his blog and eponymous book “The Laws of Simplicity” in design.

The Start Of My Journey Towards a Simpler Better Life

"Out of clutter, find simplicity" - Albert Einstein

I have decided to share my journey to simplify my life and make space - literally and figuratively - for purpose, meaning, and more intense connections with others. Along the way, I expect this quest for simplicity and lightness will lead to unchartered paths and discoveries, joys and frustrations, and stories to tell, share or listen to.